My favorite writer-director Cameron Crowe has a new movie coming out!  And it’s his first original screenplay to be released in 10 years.

The movie is ALOHA, and I’ve been given a copy of the screenplay to discuss next Monday night with the Storyboard Development Group, a collection of serious screenwriters and students of the craft.

The group meets monthly to critique the script of an upcoming movie release, which they’ve read in advance.  I’ve been the guest speaker there a few times before, and it’s always a good time.  The meeting takes place at Fox Studios in Century City at 7:15 PM.

If you’re interested in coming, contact Scott Burnell at  Put “StoryBoard” in the subject line.

For more information about the group, see below:

StoryBoard Development Group is an educational organization dedicated to the mastery of feature film screenwriting, analysis and development skills.  The group was founded in 1981 and has been operating continuously ever since.

We analyze and discuss feature screenplays at the time the films are released with a focus on the craft of screenwriting.  We follow this format every month except at awards season when we discuss one or two awards nominated screenplays.  Our guest moderator leads a serious in-depth discussion with our members and guests who are writers, filmmakers and industry professionals who have an understanding of established screenwriting structure and principles.

Each month a different guest moderator leads our discussion.  They are among the best of the teachers, authors, consultants and professionals in the business.  A StoryBoard membership offers an opportunity to meet them individually and to experience a variety of analytical styles and approaches to screenwriting.

We meet on the 20th Century Fox studio lot on the second Monday of every month.  Members receive a copy of the screenplay prior to the meeting and come prepared for a serious discussion.  Meetings start at 7:30 pm and usually run until about 9:30/10:00PM – sometimes later on occasions when more time is required.

StoryBoard is a not-for-profit group.  The cost of membership for a six-month is $210.  One-time guests are welcome to attend a meeting for $35.  A copy of the screenplay to be discussed, along with sandwiches, snacks & beverages on the night of the meeting, are all included in the cost.

At the monthly meeting, members can pick up the screenplay for the next month’s discussion.  If you are visiting StoryBoard for the first time, you may want to bring your checkbook or cash in case you decide to become a member and pick the screenplay for the following month.  If you are a member in good standing and should happen to miss the meeting we will mail the screenplay to you.

Prospective members should be actively involved in screenwriting and/or filmmaking, and be familiar with established screenwriting principles and structure.

We also offer workshops for members who have written a screenplay or are attached to a project.  In these workshops, which are scheduled for a date other than our regular meetings, members discuss your screenplay and offer constructive feedback.  Some of these workshop scripts have been optioned, and some have been made and won awards.

Please contact me if you are interested in becoming a member, would like to attend a meeting, or have any questions.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Scott Burnell


StoryBoard Development Group

1761 S. Marvin Avenue

Los Angeles, CA  90019-5122

323 205 0773  please include “StoryBoard” in the subject line of emails.

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