UPDATE – March 21, 2025:
Audiences are finally starting to see The Elephant in the Room. And it’s going well!
I wrote and directed this “red-blue romcom” (my feature directing debut) on a microbudget and signed with domestic and international distributors late last year.
It stars three great actors: Alyssa Limperis (What We Do in the Shadows, No Bad Days comedy special on Peacock), Dominic Burgess (Palm Royale, American Horror Story) and Sean Kleier (Ant-Man and the Wasp, Happyish).
The logline: A lonely female progressive in December 2020 meets a guy she might want to date. But he voted for Pres. Trump twice, and that’s a deal-breaker. Or is it?
Turns out the topic is now more relevant (and controversial?) today than ever… 🙂
We have a lot of non-profits on our side who care about “bridging divides” and have started to do community screenings in places like Kansas City, Westborough, MA and tonight in Orem, UT!
Followed by panel discussions – much like documentaries often do.
Our plan is to build this unconventional approach to in-person screening events, expand to theatres, do a big premiere event in Washington D.C., then ultimately a full digital release.
We’ve done it all to date for about $300,000. Most of that from micro-investors via the Wefunder platform. Our raise there closes April 18 so check it out (and watch the trailer) before then!
There are some fun rewards for investments as low as $100.
One thing I’ve learned is that you never stop raising money for a film. Even when it’s done, perhaps the most important part to it being successful is still ahead: marketing.
So we’re looking to get the word out so all that my cast, crew, investors and other partners put into this project will find its audience.
Follow along with us on Instagram as that process unfolds…
UPDATE – September 10, 2024:
The movie is now FINISHED! Just completed final color correction – the last step of post-production.
We’ve changed the title and created a first poster: it’s now The Elephant in the Room.
After a lot of editing and test screening we’ve arrived at a version of the film I’m so happy with.
We’re in talks with distributors and are expecting to do a limited, multi-city theatrical release in early 2025.
Original post – September 12, 2023:
Next month I’m starting principal photography on my first feature film as a writer-director.
It’s called Coming Together, and it’s a “red-blue romcom” set in December 2020.
A lonely young woman – a “progressive” – is shocked that the president isn’t conceding the results of the recent election. Then she meets a young man she feels a spark toward – who it turns out voted for said president twice, and still supports him.
Can these two date with that in the way?
It’s a light-hearted look at a serious subject: political polarization.
The audience is meant to like them both, regardless of their politics, and root for them to figure it out. To see them as “perfect counterparts” regardless of this big complication.
They start to make some progress around the Midpoint, but just when it seems like there’s a chance for them, January 6 gets in the way. The classic “All is Lost” moment – at least for their potential relationship.
As the inauguration of the new President approaches, can they get past their divergent views and give this thing a chance?
I wrote the script a couple years ago with the intention of raising $100,000-$200,000 to make it.
An “ultra low budget” movie, to be sure – written in a contained way that could make it producible at that budget level, while still using professional working actors.
About that: they’re on strike right now!
But I’ve just signed an interim agreement with SAG-Aftra to become one of those truly “indie” projects their members can work on despite the strike.
It took a while for the union to make that happen for us (apparently they’re deluged with applications), and now I have less than a month before my planned start date.
Not ideal!
And I haven’t been able to cast it while waiting for that.
But I have actors in mind. A group of four who did a Zoom read-through of an early version of the script last year. (Yes, I’ve gotten lots of notes and done many rewrites.)
Offers have just gone out to their agents.
While waiting for the union, we secured locations, permits, insurance and key crew – all we could do prior to this point.
It’s an exciting time, if a bit nerve-wracking.
It can be challenging to enjoy or find peace in each part of the process, given the time things can take, all that can go wrong, and the “hurry up and wait” nature of so many of the tasks of film financing and preparation.
I’ve been documenting these ups and down in a video journal, which I’ll continue through production. Some of our investors will receive it when this whole thing is said and done.
Investors account for almost half of the funds raised to date, on an “equity crowdfunding” platform called Wefunder. (Click the link to see the pitch video!) They get perks like on Kickstarter, but they also own a piece of the movie’s success.
I’m still raising, because as production nears, you tend to realize some budget challenges you didn’t think about. (When you locked in a shooting date and started spending money). Things that would really make it easier if you had them.
But there has been so much good news along the way. Last week we received a $25,000 donation from a foundation. We also took in a $50,000 grant from a non-profit that really likes the idea of movies that address, in a positive way, this issue of polarization.
Their support led to us setting up a “fiscal sponsorship” with a 501c3 non-profit, so individuals and organizations can also contribute in the form of tax-deductible charitable donations.
Not that I’m here to ask for more money! (Though of course we’ll take it.) 😉
Mainly I’m just sharing my news.
I’ve written a number of “microbudget” features over the last few years, with the plan to make one at some point.
As writers we can get tired of “document production” that doesn’t reach an audience – even if we get paid to write a script.
I eventually directed a 22-minute short a few years back and loved seeing it come to life.
I’ve had several false starts along the way with features I thought were going to move forward. Then at a certain point I decided this one was happening, come hell or high water.
Since making that decision, I’m thrilled with the support we’ve received and the team we’re assembling to make it a reality. Despite the ups and downs, the waiting, the striving and the complications. Like you’d find in any good story.
I’ll share updates on my Wefunder page and on Instagram.
Wish me luck! 🙂
Congratulations and much luck for your new movie.
I wish a great “hasılat” (I don’t know the English word of “hasılat” it means the money coming from the movie 🙂
By the way the question is hard to answer, since I’m Turkish I ‘d say “NOOO!” to this question.
Regards from Ankara Turkiye
I so appreciate the sentiment, Müjde, in any language, and fully welcome the hasilat!
The Elephant in the Room.
Congratulations, Erik, to you and your team for completing your new movie, The Elephant in the Room, which you both wrote and directed. WOW! I am looking forward to seeing it when it comes to Los Angeles.
I am curious about how your story handles the romantic relationship between your two main characters after the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol attack / insurrection by supporters of Donald Trump.
From my personal perspective, two of the traits I admire most in humans, my species, are honesty and kindness. In general, if you are honest and kind, probably you also respect the rights of other people and have a sense of fairness.
From a political perspective, I have friends that have different political views than I have and it’s okay since brains work differently. But, in a romantic relationship, I would have a harder time accepting a partner, unless that person also had some very admirable traits not affected by his politics.
I am ready to see your movie, The Elephant in the Room, and watch how you keep the romance alive between your two main characters regardless of their political differences. Good Luck to you and your team and family with this interesting movie.
Take care, Bonnie Olive
Great to hear from you, Bonnie! Thanks so much for all the kind words and thoughtful perspectives.
You asked a question in your newsletter, and I had to answer it. My opposite would be a tyrannical authoritarian despot. Even if for my own good, that would be difficult to date such a person, but not something I couldn’t overcome in a script, clearly. One of the things about being a libertarian (which I think is somewhat more common among screenwriters) is that one learns that “conservative” and “liberal” are personalities, just as “libertarian” and “authoritarian” are. It is a big mistake to confuse personality with political preference, however. It was precisely because the 13 colonies did not have the same political views, that they decided in favor of self-determination and freedom. As a political party, the Libertarian Party in the US only requires one to certify that they do not believe in/support initiating force to pursue social or political goals. Thus, we have conservative and liberal members, and everything to the extreme edges, but have agreed that if our ideas win a following, it will be because people like the idea, and not because we issued mandates. My mom was a liberal and my dad a conservative, so I’ve lived it. They often cancelled each others’ votes, but they raised four children to be kind and responsible adults, and not to be children or slaves in perpetuity. Lots of material there. Good luck. There is a common ground to be had.
Interesting thoughts, thanks Sandra! I agree labels in general are unhelpful and that’s kind of what the movie gently suggests we could do less of – labeling. Thanks for responding and for the words of support!
Congrats on your Movie, Erik! I could have played the part of the “Trump Guy”, but that train left the station years ago…Good Luck!
Bob Woods
Ha ha – well it’s never too late! I appreciate the encouragement Bob!
I ‘ve made two relatively successful short films. I loved every minute of the process. I’m very happy for you now that you almost ready to sneak into a theatre, sit in the back and watch your audience watch your film.
Congratulations and much good luck!
A fan,
Elizabeth Appell
Thank you so much Elizabeth! Really appreciate you taking the time to share your kind words…
Congratulations, Erik! I am so happy you have been able to make your film. You’re a great teacher, and I’ve been following you since your Writer’s Store Webinars on True Stories, and it’s great to see you put your ideas and principles into action. I look forward to seeing this.
Also I think this is a great concept for a film. Fwiw I made a grad thesis film on a similar concept – a young and idealistic progressive reporter in a local TV station working with a right-wing talk-show fan camera guy, and how they have to learn to work together without killing each other :-D.
I am glad you are working with this topic, and I wish you much success.
That’s so cool to hear! So nice of you to share your good vibes and I appreciate all the kind words Michael!
I’m so glad you are/will be sharing the nuts and bolts of getting an indie of the ground as the writer, and now the director/producer. That’s gold, for sure. If you’re shooting in LA, and need a white-haired extra or extra pair of hands, let me know!
Good Luck ERIK. You helped me a few years ago with my script as I got in contact after reading “The Idea” and I’ve only just recently started reading your blog and I love it.
I’m so touched and gratified by all your wonderful messages and comments. Thank you all so much for your kind support! 🙂
PS I love the overall message you’re trying to convey! We need more of this.
Wow, way to overcome the current extra challenges — as if making a movie wasn’t difficult enough! Best of luck, and I look forward to seeing the finished product!
You might be beyond needing it at this point, but I’m wondering if the logline could benefit from more descriptive adjectives for your main characters that imply the challenges they will face? Something like:
A lonely young progressive can’t believe her luck when she finally meets the compassionate man of her dreams — until she learns he’s an avid supporter of a president she despises.
The story could be made even more compelling/ironic if their respective careers/livelihoods were at stake:
A fiery, progressive lobbyist must decide whether politics trump passion when she falls for a talented, compassionate journalist — only to learn he’s managing local public relations for a candidate she can’t stand.
Hi Erik
Your “Indie” Ultra Low Budget Film project is a fantastic. I hope the production is successful. I wrote a script for AFI from the viewpoint of an aide working daily on a national political campaign. I personally have worked with political figures over several decades.
Erik, super cool and God-speed for your green-lit project!
Congratulations, Erik, on signing an interim agreement with SAG-AFTRA to become one of those truly “indie” projects their members can work on despite the strike. From what you have shared with us through your blog post, you have been through a lot trying to get your movie funded and ready to start production on it. Again, congratulations when you begin principal photography on your first feature film as both the director and the writer in September. Quite impressive.
I like the idea of the political polarization between the two main characters as their romance progresses and the insurrection of January 6, 2021 happens. I am curious about how you will navigate the interactions between them after that in your rom com. I’m looking forward to finding out when I watch your movie “Coming Together”! Wishing you lots of luck and smooth sailing during the production and screening of your movie.
Best of luck, Erik. I like the concept a lot. It’s what we all need, right now. A Coming Together!
Definitely wish you luck, Eric, and congrats on all you’ve accomplished so far! What a perfect timely subject! It’s a great shame prodcos don’t pick them up! Tried to do something similar with the Roe thing, and relatable characters on both sides, but couldn’t even get it read! Wishing you the best of luck in getting something pertinent made!
Wonderful story to realise, and no subject is more important these days. The simplicity of it makes me wonder why I didn’t think of it myself. Living in Paris, I had the same thought after seeing Woody’s, “Midnight in Paris.” Are there really no other romantic comedies that treat this subject? It is true that I know of none. The Trumpster and the progressive- there are no better antagonists! I’m pleased to see that you’re sticking with the PROBLEM. Very cool, but the making of sequel may be the greater masterpiece still! Best of luck.
That’s great, Erik! Juggle multiple projects and eventually one of them will take wings and fly!
Darling Erik, down here in New Orleans we have James Carville and Mary Matalin. I know they understand your characters!! Wishing you ALL the best with production. Can’t wait to see it in the theater. 🙂
Congratulations Erik. I look forward to watching it. And then, best wishes for your prject.
Wow! Congratulations Erik! Can’t wait to see it! Wishing you all the best during the journey ahead.
So excited for you!! Good luck and I can’t wait to see it. With your expertise and understanding of story, I’m sure it will be great.
If I could do back flips, I’d be doing back flips! Good for you! I have been rooting for you
ever since I saw the microbudget Rom-Com you directed a couple years ago.
Love the premise of your new project, perfect for these polarized times.
There’s been movement on my Sci-fi/Horror Jesus reboot. I have an established actor/writer/director/producer who wants to direct it. It’s a microbudget of 100K. Been using SHOTDECKS in preparation. Casting soon. I need to get up to speed on financing/investors. Will keep you posted. David
I wish you the best of luck.
The Idea is great!
Best wishes for you & your project, such great news. Looking forward to seeing it come to life! Keep us updated, really excited for you!
Logline is a bit convoluted, a bit long and a bit too telling. Don’t you think? (But if it gets you the money…!?)
Political opposites attract – somehow.
Congrats EriK, it’s great to see a fellow Buckeye be successful!
Go Bucks!
Best of luck Erik! The logline sounds awesome! Wishing you best of success! Eager to learn about the progress!
Go for it. Erik. All is and will always be OK. You have what it takes to make things happen.
Congratulations Erik
Given your past success with projects like BAND OF BROTHERS and FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON, it’s no surprise to see you directing your first feature. I appreciate all the valuable insights you provided to me on my own project and wish you great success in yours.
Great news. Best of luck (which you don’t need!) Nice to see that a deserving talent is appreciated and rewarded.
In a weird way, I see the project as Romeo and Juliet vs. their own Ideologies.
Okay, maybe it’s a stretch!
So excited for you. If it’s half as good as the wonderful advice and coaching you give, it will rock 🙂 Can’t wait to see it. – Tessa
You inspire!
I’ve done similar things and occasionally “leave the the business”. Blake told me one time, in a parking garage, loading his trunk, “leaving is easy, we’ll all do it permanently some day. But the things we carry, the memories we collect…” he closed his trunk, point made.
Keep traveling, filling your trunk. Good luck bro!
I hope the protagonist is the man, not the woman. Because the protagonist has to change. I’d watch this movie.
I wish you success. Just maybe your movie will influence this division we have in our country. That it is possible to love each other despite our conflicting beliefs.
Good luck Erik. Love that logline! Sort of has a When Harry met Sally feel to it, can a couple with opposing political stances eventually have sex! Hope all goes well!
I love the premise and concept. Much, much needed. And I look forward to watching. I’m sure this will do great. Lastly, can I fly out to production and PA for Free?
Best wishes for your project and your creative journey!!!