UPDATE – March 21, 2025:

Audiences are finally starting to see The Elephant in the Room. And it’s going well!

I wrote and directed this “red-blue romcom” (my feature directing debut) on a microbudget and signed with domestic and international distributors late last year.

It stars three great actors: Alyssa Limperis (What We Do in the Shadows, No Bad Days comedy special on Peacock), Dominic Burgess (Palm Royale, American Horror Story) and Sean Kleier (Ant-Man and the Wasp, Happyish).

The logline: A lonely female progressive in December 2020 meets a guy she might want to date. But he voted for Pres. Trump twice, and that’s a deal-breaker. Or is it?

Turns out the topic is now more relevant (and controversial?) today than ever… 🙂

We have a lot of non-profits on our side who care about “bridging divides” and have started to do community screenings in places like Kansas City, Westborough, MA and tonight in Orem, UT!

Followed by panel discussions – much like documentaries often do.

Our plan is to build this unconventional approach to in-person screening events, expand to theatres, do a big premiere event in Washington D.C., then ultimately a full digital release.

We’ve done it all to date for about $300,000. Most of that from micro-investors via the Wefunder platform. Our raise there closes April 18 so check it out (and watch the trailer) before then!

There are some fun rewards for investments as low as $100.

One thing I’ve learned is that you never stop raising money for a film. Even when it’s done, perhaps the most important part to it being successful is still ahead: marketing.

So we’re looking to get the word out so all that my cast, crew, investors and other partners put into this project will find its audience.

Follow along with us on Instagram as that process unfolds…

Dominic Burgess in THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, written and directed by Erik Bork
Writer-director Erik Bork with actors Dominic Burgess and Alyssa Limperis on the set of THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM
Alyssa Limperis and Sean Kleier in THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, written and directed by Erik Bork

UPDATE  – September 10, 2024:

The movie is now FINISHED! Just completed final color correction – the last step of post-production.

We’ve changed the title and created a first poster: it’s now The Elephant in the Room.

After a lot of editing and test screening we’ve arrived at a version of the film I’m so happy with.

We’re in talks with distributors and are expecting to do a limited, multi-city theatrical release in early 2025.


Original post – September 12, 2023:

Next month I’m starting principal photography on my first feature film as a writer-director.

It’s called Coming Together, and it’s a “red-blue romcom” set in December 2020.


A lonely young woman – a “progressive” – is shocked that the president isn’t conceding the results of the recent election. Then she meets a young man she feels a spark toward – who it turns out voted for said president twice, and still supports him.

Can these two date with that in the way?

It’s a light-hearted look at a serious subject: political polarization.

The audience is meant to like them both, regardless of their politics, and root for them to figure it out. To see them as “perfect counterparts” regardless of this big complication.

They start to make some progress around the Midpoint, but just when it seems like there’s a chance for them, January 6 gets in the way. The classic “All is Lost” moment – at least for their potential relationship.

As the inauguration of the new President approaches, can they get past their divergent views and give this thing a chance?

I wrote the script a couple years ago with the intention of raising $100,000-$200,000 to make it.

An “ultra low budget” movie, to be sure – written in a contained way that could make it producible at that budget level, while still using professional working actors.

About that: they’re on strike right now!

But I’ve just signed an interim agreement with SAG-Aftra to become one of those truly “indie” projects their members can work on despite the strike.

It took a while for the union to make that happen for us (apparently they’re deluged with applications), and now I have less than a month before my planned start date.

Not ideal!

And I haven’t been able to cast it while waiting for that.

But I have actors in mind. A group of four who did a Zoom read-through of an early version of the script last year. (Yes, I’ve gotten lots of notes and done many rewrites.)

Offers have just gone out to their agents.

While waiting for the union, we secured locations, permits, insurance and key crew – all we could do prior to this point.

It’s an exciting time, if a bit nerve-wracking.

It can be challenging to enjoy or find peace in each part of the process, given the time things can take, all that can go wrong, and the “hurry up and wait” nature of so many of the tasks of film financing and preparation.

I’ve been documenting these ups and down in a video journal, which I’ll continue through production. Some of our investors will receive it when this whole thing is said and done.

Investors account for almost half of the funds raised to date, on an “equity crowdfunding” platform called Wefunder. (Click the link to see the pitch video!) They get perks like on Kickstarter, but they also own a piece of the movie’s success.

I’m still raising, because as production nears, you tend to realize some budget challenges you didn’t think about. (When you locked in a shooting date and started spending money). Things that would really make it easier if you had them.

But there has been so much good news along the way. Last week we received a $25,000 donation from a foundation. We also took in a $50,000 grant from a non-profit that really likes the idea of movies that address, in a positive way, this issue of polarization.

Their support led to us setting up a “fiscal sponsorship” with a 501c3 non-profit, so individuals and organizations can also contribute in the form of tax-deductible charitable donations.

Not that I’m here to ask for more money! (Though of course we’ll take it.)  😉

Mainly I’m just sharing my news.

I’ve written a number of “microbudget” features over the last few years, with the plan to make one at some point.

As writers we can get tired of “document production” that doesn’t reach an audience – even if we get paid to write a script.

I eventually directed a 22-minute short a few years back and loved seeing it come to life.

I’ve had several false starts along the way with features I thought were going to move forward. Then at a certain point I decided this one was happening, come hell or high water.

Since making that decision, I’m thrilled with the support we’ve received and the team we’re assembling to make it a reality. Despite the ups and downs, the waiting, the striving and the complications. Like you’d find in any good story.

I’ll share updates on my Wefunder page and on Instagram.

Wish me luck!   🙂

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