flying wrestler

thoughts on screenwriting from writer-producer erik bork

SAVE THE CAT is not always right

SAVE THE CAT is not always right

I'm a fan of the Save the Cat books by the late Blake Snyder. I especially love the ten "genres" he came up with. I think these genres are a crucial...

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Frontload your pilot

Frontload your pilot

If you're writing a series pilot you probably view it as an introduction to your series. A prologue. A first chapter. Where you set up all the...

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Baby Reindeer’s problem

Baby Reindeer’s problem

In the weekly live session in our online community recently, I gave my thoughts and took questions about Netflix's hit Baby Reindeer.  It's been a...

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3 Stories per Episode

3 Stories per Episode

I recently watched an interview with Friends co-creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman (I think it was here). In it, Crane commented on how they...

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The War of Art

The War of Art

The happiest and most free I ever felt as a writer was with some of my earliest scripts. They were the work of a beginner and didn’t go anywhere but I enjoyed them.

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Intention and Obstacle

Intention and Obstacle

Aaron Sorkin says he "worships at the altar of Intention and Obstacle." What does that mean? In his Masterclass he defines it as: "Somebody wants...

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Double Mumbo Jumbo

Double Mumbo Jumbo

Double Mumbo Jumbo is a term in the original Save the Cat book. Blake Snyder used it to caution against including two different types of unrelated...

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Insert shots

Insert shots

When we write action and description in a script, we’re telling the reader what the viewer would see, hear and clearly understand from that.
Nothing else.

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What Good Stories Need

What Good Stories Need

Five years ago this week my book was released.  I'm proud to say it's been translated into Complex and Simplified Chinese and Russian. (See the...

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Workplace stakes

Workplace stakes

"Will Michael Jordan agree to sign a shoe deal with Nike, so their basketball division can survive?" This is essentially the main dramatic question...

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Theme Stated

Theme Stated

What is your story really about? I know it's about certain characters and plot events. But what's it examining, behind all that, which could...

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Barbie’s World Building

Barbie’s World Building

SPOILER ALERT: This post reveals some elements of the plot of Barbie. Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie has a lot of wonderful elements. I think most can...

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Erik Bork

I’m a screenwriter best known for my work on the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers and From the Earth to the Moon, for which I wrote multiple episodes, and won two Emmy and two Golden Globe Awards as part of the producing team.

My book THE IDEA: The Seven Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage, or Fiction was released in 2018.

Click here to e-mail me.

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