Script Consulting

I’ve consulted with over a thousand writers on their film and TV scripts and story ideas.

Sometimes I read a completed draft and sometimes just a synopsis or logline.

My first priority is always the writer’s approach to the overall concept: what is the main story challenge(s) they’re is hoping to get an audience emotionally invested in? I always recommend writers seek professional input early in the process. (Just like an agent or manager will want clients to run ideas by them before committing to a script.)

And that’s what my book and online community are all about.

I also look at structure, character, scene writing and — everything else that makes a story work.

For some testimonials from writers I’ve worked with, check out the comments below.

With some clients, I go beyond analyzing scripts to helping them build their next draft/project. I call that “coaching.”

My approach is all about helping a writer work their way to the best possible version of their project, and meeting their goals with a sense of forward motion and satisfaction.

“The Idea Package”

I read a one-page synopsis of an idea for a story/series — or a page full of ideas. OR THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR SCRIPT. Then we’ll discuss it in a one-hour recorded phone conference. Price $195. Click one of the buttons below to book it now.

“Fifteen and Four”

I read the first 15 pages of a script, plus a 4-page story or series synopsis. Then we’ll discuss it during a one-hour recorded phone conference.

For a feature screenplay, the “Beat Sheet” from the SAVE THE CAT books provides a great template for the 4-page document.

Alternative options for the “Fifteen and Four” are:

(1) 25 script pages, plus a 1-page synopsis.

(2) A 10-12 page outline, with no script pages.

(3) A 4-page document with no script pages. With this option I’ll also provide some written comments in the margins before doing the phone conference.

(4) A coverage report from a service like Spec Scout. (I can read and interpret reader scores and comments, and help you identify next steps, in addressing the feedback.)

Price $295. Click one of the buttons below to book it now.

Full Script Consultations

Each includes a four-page written analysis and suggestions, covering concept, genre, structure, and execution — looking at the project’s overall potential, what I felt you were trying to achieve, and how best to improve it moving forward — and a 60-minute recorded phone conference to discuss the notes, and your possible next steps. Price $695 for a feature film screenplay. See lower prices for TV scripts below.


Several times a year, I do flash sales with up to 50% off these prices. Sign up for my e-mail list to find out about these by requesting my “Ten Key Principles” for writers.

Consultations are non-refundable and must be used within one year, unless arrangements are made for an extension.


“Erik’s expertise has helped me improve my pitching, my screenwriting and my TV writing. He really knows story (it’s obviously second nature to him), but is also able to step back and articulate big conceptual ideas in a practical way, which makes him a wonderful teacher. Over the course of the last year I have met with many television executives, and Erik’s coaching has helped me walk in with confidence.  Working with him is like attending the film school I wish I had when I went to film school!” – AMY TAYLOR, represented by Original Artists and Quattro Media


hoover 3 (2) “I would not have made it this far without Erik’s very direct and constructive criticism. At a time when it’s difficult to get a break, it’s great to be able to receive feedback from a top pro. I’ve worked with dozens of consultants, and his script notes are the best I’ve ever received. Amazing that such a talented writer does consulting. He’s reasonably priced and a nice guy. I will be using his services again in the future!” – STEPHEN HOOVER, Grand Prize Winner, “Table Read My Screenplay”; Gold Prize Winner, PAGE International (Thriller/Horror Category)

Jeff Cotton photo

“I’ve worked with half a dozen evaluators before finding someone of Erik Bork’s caliber.  Thanks in part to his invaluable insights, my screenplay placed highly enough in Script Savvy’s contest that they recommended it to producers. Erik has an exquisitely attuned sense of truth and is willing to give critical, hard-to-hear feedback so important in helping me hone my scripts. His points are always about the screenplay and not his ego. Perhaps most importantly, Erik listens. His intention is to work with me as an ally and I trust that completely.” — JEFF COTTON, Script optioned by Emmy-nominated and Peabody-winning producer.







  1. I started writing screenplays in my late 60’s a few years ago and found Erik’s service to be so helpful. I had never written anything but had some ideas for screenplays.

    After getting a working knowledge of the craft, I jumped in. I can’t stress enough how I keep his book, THE IDEA, front and center when I write. Actually, before I start writing. I put my “idea” through the stress test of the seven elements in Erik’s book. If the idea measures up, then I start my outline.

    In the last few years, the results have been two Semifinalists Placements in the Nicholl’s Fellowship competition, and a third just named a quarterfinalist and still alive, and many placements in Austin and PAGE, all in just the last few years. Managers and production companies are requesting them anytime one of them places…. His method works!

  2. Working with Erik has been a game changer! I have read all the books, listened to all the podcasts and interviews on screenwriting I can get my hands on. I have also written and created many short films over the years, and am now in the process of making the jump to features. Erik is the guiding light in what can, at times, feel like a dark cave. Even with the best of intentions, we can have blind spots when so invested in creating our own work, and Erik kindly and astutely serves as a voice of reason. He breaks down what is working and not working in your script/outline and gives actionable and empowering advice. I feel like I’ve made quantum leaps in my progress as a writer and in my knowledge of structure and genre. Also, I now look forward to tackling what can feel like the endless second act, armed with new tools and a new confidence. Erik is very constructive and never judgemental. Most importantly, he is focused on what best serves the story and the audience.

  3. I worked with Erik under the “Fifteen and Four” consultation package. It was the best investment I’ve made in a long time. I received the most invaluable assessment based on the first 25 pages of my script, which is that “THE IDEA” was compelling and original enough to continue developing. Whew! A big win, for sure.

    Further, he clearly illustrated the nuts and bolts of what makes a good screenplay. He proceeded to break down sections of the script by page, make suggestions, and give concrete examples to enhance the story. It helped immeasurably where I could see trying out some of the feedback in the script.

    I look forward to continuing my work with Erik.

    Best wishes,

    Richard M.

  4. At age 50 years… I’ve been a working producer in marketing and advertising for 25 years. During this time I’ve held positions as a writer (journalist) and researcher. BUT, screenplays are an art form all their own. I’ve won awards for my ads and promos, I’ve worked on Emmy winning documentaries, I’ve even optioned documentary television shows and produced an award winning podcast. My agents get me pitches with all the big companies and I have access to working actors and directors… BUT… I have NEVER been able to migrate these opportunities into a SCRIPTED deal, even after the last 5 years where I pivoted to putting my attention on getting into scripted production deals. It all starts with THE SCRIPT. Erik Bork has been both my guide and my teacher / consultant. And in a few sessions my pitch material is already meeting with improved interest from possible network partners, buyers and talent. I can’t wait to keep working with Erik and see where things can go. I have every faith the scripted world of production is about to open up to me. This is amazing as I’ve tried to get my head around writing for the screen (TV & FILM) most of my career. And like all of you I’ve read all the books and taken the seminars (no offense McKee) – but ERIK cuts to the CHASE – as it were… starting at the root of all issues – THE STORY – and helping me get my ideas clearly defined and plotted. From that kind of solid basis and an understanding of strong storytelling, the sky is the limit. Thank you Erik. Onwards & Upwards!! D.D.R.Stewart, New York, New York

  5. I’ve used Erik’s full script consultation twice and it was well worth the money. He’s very direct in pointing out what works and what seems confusing or half-baked (my words not Erik’s) in a respectful and encouraging fashion. There is sometimes a difference between what a writer thinks he has communicated to an audience and what is actually on the page. I’m now aware of a reoccurring flaw in my work after Erik’s insightful comments and I am very grateful for that.

    Erik is wonderful in carefully reading your material, discussing what’s on the page, and sharing relevant best practices that apply to your material. He doesn’t rewrite you – he stresses that the choices are yours and you shouldn’t agree with a suggestion just because he made it. He had me pitch a revised script to him so I could talk it through and see if it made sense. (If you can’t sum up your story in 4-5 minutes in a way that makes sense, there are probably flaws in the material.) To sum up: having a review by Erik feels like you have an ally in getting to a strong draft of the story you want to tell. I’ll definitely use his services again in the future.

    And if nothing else – I very strongly recommend you read all of his blog posts – a wealth of useful and practical material – better than some screenwriting classes. (I’ve taken two in my life).

  6. What distinguishes Erik from other story consultants is his forensic level of analysis, his perceptiveness and his insight. Erik sees things which no other story consultant sees and asks questions no one else asks. Nothing escapes him. He spots every area of your script which is slightly blurred and encourages you to give those moments clarity and thus make them more powerful. He is not just unpacking what is there in your script, but he has the depth of story wisdom and breadth of imagination to see what is not there but should be, or could be… which is why he is simply the best story consultant with whom I have ever worked.

  7. I was one of those screenwriters who read every possible book she could find on the craft.
    Not only of screenwriting, but of storytelling, drama, story structure, etc.

    I attended seminars, in person and online, I worked with few other coaches, but the day I hired Erik Bork as my coach, everything changed for me.

    Alongside his book The Idea: The Seven Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage or Fiction, Erik taught me what makes a good idea and why.

    I call him a Dream Teacher because it’s one thing to be good at this craft and it’s another to know how to explain it so simply and yet so powerfully that the student can really get it.

    I found the way he shows up to our calls is with so much care.
    I genuinely feel he wants me to do well and succeed.

    He challenges me more than I could have done on my own, he offers unique examples and point of view, and he is unparalleled in that regard.

    The best investment I’ve ever made in my career. Bar none.

  8. Hi Erik,

    I loved the experience of working with you on my feature film script over the past year. It always felt like you were trying to serve the story that I was trying to tell. I have never fancied myself much as a screenwriter. With your guidance and coaching, I have grown much more confident in my writing skills. The collaboration with you has been one of the most rewarding creative experiences I have had.

    Thank you so much for everything. Even though this sounds like goodbye I’m sure I’ll be working with you again pretty soon.

    Take care.


  9. Erik can be your contact with reality.

    How do you know–without a manager or an agent–if your work measures up to the demands of the industry? Who do you know now, a person with a proven track record, that can guide you in the direction of your goal? Would you rather guess or know? The sooner you get the feedback, the faster you’ll grow and the closer you’ll get to where you need to be.

    Erik bridges the chasm between you and the industry. He provides both, high standards and guidance to reach them. All this doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. On the contrary but it’s very likely just what you need to advance. It also doesn’t mean that Erik will break you before you can stand up again. He is an emotionally safe mentor with respect for your creative process.

    Treat yourself to the gift of insight. Whether you need to vet an idea or have already executed one to the best of your ability, you will benefit equally. Erik has a proven track record, intelligence, intuition, insight, and personality that makes him the ideal mentor.

    All the feedback I received was very helpful in crafting a better second draft. Erik confirmed those whispers of insight I ignored as I wrote the first draft, identified the “why” of what didn’t hit the mark and, in general, expanded my understanding of effective storytelling. His book “The Idea” has set a new standard for my vetting process and what passes for a viable story idea.

    Thank you Erik. Until next time!

  10. Erik is amazing! I came to him with a project I had worked on a for awhile, a TV pilot. He gave really good notes that were very specific and detailed to really help me get the script polished. But more than his notes, he really helped me in a much bigger way. He praised my writing and said the script was actually GOOD! This coming from someone that wasn’t just my friends and peers really gave me the confidence in my own writing. His encouragement and positive reaction to the script really gave me the hope and push that we as writers often need. After Erik’s notes, I did another draft of my pilot and then submitted to some contests. I ended up placing (for the first time ever) as a semi-finalist in the Page Awards and then as a Quarter Finalist at the Austin Film Festival this year! I couldn’t have done this without Erik’s help. He’s definitely someone you want in your corner.

  11. Working with Erik over the past six months has been a game changing experience for me. Every time my email pings with something from him I get excited because I know his notes will make me think about my script in a new way and take me closer to it being ‘ready’ (Does any writer ever feel their work is ready!?)
    What I love and appreciate about working with Erik is the way he guides you. I have never felt that any of my ideas are wrong, just that there are other ways to look at things that I’d not considered. Erik is truly generous with his time (he even worked on my script on the plane coming home from his vacation!) he’s patient and encouraging. But as well as being an all-round nice guy, he absolutely knows his stuff. He is intimidatingly well versed in the ways of script and story, and yet I’ve never felt anything other than supported. Erik’s helped me with structure, truly understanding story and as I’m writing for an ensemble, the importance of the web of conflict. I’m like a sponge, soaking up everything Erik has to say and I’m just trying to work out how to make my last draft a bit terrible, so that he can keep giving me notes and we can carry on working together. FOREVER. Any success I earn from the script I’ve developed with Erik will be because of him, I’m truly thankful for his help and think anyone that is serious about being a better writer and breaking into the industry would benefit from his teaching.

  12. When it comes to scriptwriting teaching and coaching, Erik is absolutely the best! I came to him with no scriptwriting experience whatsoever, just after reading a book on scriptwriting and coughing up a script in 2 weeks. I asked Erik to review my script (and he was kind!) and started taking lessons since Feb, 20th, 2016. If there ever was an Eliza Doolittle of scriptwriting – I would definitely qualify, and to complicate the matters even more – English is not my native language. However, after Erik’s coaching, on May 13, 2016, I became one of the top ten finalists of the Industry Insider Contest.
    When people buy golf clubs, they know that they need lessons in golf. However, once we can hold a pen, we fancy ourselves a writer. Yes, scriptwriting lessons and coaching cost a lot of money, but I value my time and an opportunity to grasp the new concepts fast and in a bullet proof manner more than I value my money.

  13. Having listened to all of Erik’s lectures and completed a consultation with him on my TV pilot, I was very impressed with his honesty, insight, and breadth of industry and film knowledge. On top of that, Erik is just a very nice guy who seems to genuinely want me to improve as a writer. I highly recommend working with Erik however you can.

    Stephen Woodward

  14. Eric has been hugely helpful in guiding me through the script writing process. His advice is always spot on. Even though I sometimes resist in the end I come around to embrace his informed analysis. Having Eric’s expertise to lean on gives me a greater confidence. I look forward to his consultation on my future projects and would unequivocally recommend his services.

  15. Erik is AMAZING! Even if you don’t like what he says at first. Hey, the truth hurts and we writers are SENSITIVE. But Erik’s main goal is to MAKE YOUR STORY WAY BETTER. I have worked with Erik on several projects and have been really happy with the results. One script we worked on, got me meetings with several MAJOR STUDIO EXEC. (I am not talking meeting low end bottom feeders either. – THINK VP and Oscar Winners) Another script was picked up by a mid level studio.

    So results are possible. Again, Erik can’t make you CREATIVE and he won’t hold your hand. (Unless you pay him, I suppose…then it is possible.) BUT… will not waste your money and your STORY will be WAY BETTER.

  16. Erik Bork has the ability to put into words the infinite thoughts of a writer both on the page and in life. I recommend the Ten Key Principles and stalking the blog, there is a ton of gold right here.

    Greatly appreciate the dedication!


    Kyle Notkin

  17. Erik brings an unbiased and objective point of view to your material, which is an invaluable resource to any writer.

    Not to mention he is a story scientist.

    He has such a solid understanding of character and structure that he’s able to spot where things are working, and conversely, where things need a closer look.

    Erik obviously loves what he does, it comes through when you talk to him; he’s passionate about storytelling and his ultimate goal is for you, and your story to improve.

    What more can you ask for.

  18. Finally, an experienced and working professional who has reasonable rates for those of us that need excellent feedback, idea, and help! Looking forward to using this service!

  19. The opportunity to get personal feedback from Erik was a valuable experience. Not only did he pack a great deal of information and advice into an hour session, but I could tell that he gave my work his full attention. He is straightforward, knowledgeable, as well as enthusiastic. I would recommend his services to anyone.

  20. I had a consultation session with him and the information provided was invaluable. He was easy to talk to, knowledgeable and provides great feedback. He really knows his stuff and I look forward to receiving more of this information in the future!

  21. My script “Static” just won Best TV Pilot in the Emerging Screenwriters Competition, and I doubt that would have happened without Erik’s help. He worked on two separate drafts, finding numerous ways to improve the story, and pointing out some flaws that I was oblivious to (or thought I could get away with). I wish I’d found Erik sooner – with his invaluable insight and knowledge, I’m sure he would have been able to help me improve my earlier scripts. I’ll be sending him my next script very soon. And the one after that.

    • Hi Keith, I’ve had in mind the subject of a book, describing the pain and rot embedded in multi generations of families across UK as a result of the anguish and physiological disturbances of WW2. Any thoughts ?

      Best wishes Lee Davidson (44 Ex 3Para now Architect)

  22. As someone who has spent enough on Erik’s consultations to send his kids through college, I can attest that his help is well worth the money. His analysis and advice are always spot on. He doesn’t miss a trick. His patience and sense of humor (at least he thinks I’m funny…) help make the experience rewarding. Screenwriters need to use this valuable resource before he is gone. (Don’t go, Erik!)

  23. Hi Erik,
    you most likely get a million messages like this, but I just wanted to say thank you for the Ten Key Principles. They were very helpful. I particularly liked and agreed with the final one about giving rather than expecting and waiting. I am a novice write, have loads of stories in my head but need to learn the craft of writing. I come form the deserts of Australia and now live in Europe and have accumulated a myriad of stories in my head to entertain. My style is mainly humor and tragedy together (typical Aussie trait really!). I agree with you, that the more you write and share your writing, the universe will return as much as you give. I just love writing and I’m enjoying the journey. Your Ten Key Principles really resonated with me and have been a wonderful springboard on my writing journey.
    Cheers and many thanks,

  24. Erik is the real thing. He’s insightful, perceptive, incredibly knowledgeable and tells it like it is. Working with him has taken my writing to a completely new level. I only wish I had started working with him ten years ago. He’s as good as it gets. Makes me want to move to Los Angeles just so I can take his classes in person.

    Marie Dame

  25. Success as a writer in Hollywood is a puzzle; in that venture Erik is an invaluable resource. If you want to work you have to sell, and he will work with you on the foundation of your story in order to help you find the script that can get sold. As somebody who is recently out of college, I IMPLORE young writers or film students to pick his brain, and as somebody who’s on a budget, Erik’s variety of consulting options and prices are a godsend compared to the majority of writing gurus who charge exorbitant fees. He has my wholehearted recommendation. Thanks, Erik!

  26. Erik’s experience hasn’t been learned from books but from hard earned fought battles being in the trenches. This was invaluable to me as I don’t need to reinvent the wheel and as a result saves me a lot of time and money. It won’t take too long to figure out you are working with a pro. But most of all he’s a great guy and very easy to to deal with absolutely no ego.

  27. WORTH EVERY PENNY. Still floundering about after several story revisions, I finally decided to work with Erik. I couldn’t be happier with the decision. Erik’s insights and attention have helped me progress in leaps and bounds. My only regret is not working with him sooner. Thanks Erik.

    Gray M. Williams

  28. I decided to contact Erik during the final stages of writing my short screenplay; “Still Falls the Rain”. It was the best decision I could have made at that point, as he made me see issues that I completely overlooked, and emphasize the aspects that were already working particularly well. I’m not one to normally write reviews, but I’m confident when I say that I would recommend Erik to anyone else in the same position in a heartbeat.

  29. Erik is an excellent reviewer and consultant. I was very excited to have one of the producers of Band of Brothers (one of my favourite miniseries) even read my script at the time. He did a great job helping me to hone my craft and have some clarity in what “Hollywood” wants to see as it related to my story. With the written analysis, I didn’t think that a one on one conversation was necessary but he answered all my questions, I was very impressed and was glad I did.

  30. Erik

    Thanks for being a great mentor! I could not have done it without you, my friend!

  31. Hi Erik,
    Thank you for this. I’ve had a few disappointments of late but your website and advice makes me realise this is still what I want to do.
    Kind Regards

  32. Hey Erik,

    Thank you so much for your encouraging emails and the opportunity to meet you at The Great American Pitchfest. Your seminar was very practical and educating both from a creative and business perspective. Okay, back to the year 2071 I go.

    Thanks for Saving my Cat,
    Jesse Wine

  33. It was wonderful to meet you Eric! It is always wonderful to meet a fellow buckeye who is doing extremely well in this business. I look forward to working with you in the future. Be well and continue to prosper.

    Best Wishes,
    Leisa Elliott

  34. I first met Erik at a San Diego Filmmakers meeting. With so many people offering similar services I was lucky to have had the chance to hear Erik speak and get to know him. I felt very good about choosing Erik and was not disappointed.

    We met over a Skype session and I knew I had chosen wisely, as he accurately summed up my treatment, pointed out the strengths and weaknesses, and delivered professional, constructive and helpful criticism that helped me move my project forward. It was good time and money well spent.

  35. In a town where it is difficult to separate what is truth from fiction Erik Bork is the real deal. His credits and accomplishments are well known. Erik brings his experience to you in a frank and friendly manner. My time with him improved my vision of my work and re-focused the screenplay, strengthening the concept. Always respectful, Erik sought ways to sharpen not just the project at hand but also my craft. His practical suggestions during our session brought positive results to all my writing projects.

    Thank you Erik!
    Jeff Michaels

  36. I have consulted with many script analysts, but Erik is the best! Not only does he have a very wide ranging expertise, but he is gentle, kind, full of creative ideas, and takes an active interest beyond the call of duty in the client’s work. My screenplay, The Journey, will be much, much better because of his comments. I plan to consult him again after I complete the second draft. There is no better way to spend your screenplay development money than to get a consultation with Erik! Also, his prices are very reasonable and competitive.—Trisha Howell, published author, actress, screenwriter

  37. Apart from being a great writer and giving us the benefit of his expertise and experience, Erik Bork was able to enter into the world of our feature length screenplay, giving my writing partner and I thought provoking analysis and insights.

    When you work with Erik you know he is truly listening and present every step of the way. A rare gift indeed.

    Thanks for being there Erik!

  38. Our nonprofit organization discovered Erik after our short film script had already been written. As I am a copywriter and had never written a script, Erik’s knowledge and constructive criticism was extremely valuable and helped us to greatly improve before shooting. The purpose of the videos was to raise funding and awareness of the humanitarian crisis in North Korea through the eyes of three refugees and one volunteer. Erik pointed out sections of the storyline that would have confused people unaware of the issue and provided suggestions for a stronger opening and closing.

    The finished videos can be found at under these titles: Joseph, Jane, Shin, Nomads. We’ll definitely be going back to Erik again!

    Esther Lee

  39. My writing partner and I have spent a lot of time this year working on spec sitcom scripts and Erik has done two things for us very well.

    First, he’s helped us focus our energies on writing only the scripts that make the most sense for our goals. Before we even began using his services, we spoke to him at length about what we wanted to achieve and he’s offered to take a look at our simple outlines so we wont do any unnecessary writing.

    Second, he’s focused our work on those projects. His notes have steered us away from gimmicks and helped us concentrate on character and story first. If he doesn’t agree with a direction of the story or character, he thoroughly explains why and offers up possible suggestions to illustrate his points.

    Bottom line, Erik is a professional who understands character, story and structure. His notes are thorough and appropriate for our goals and specific to our project. I would highly recommend him.

    Robert Gustafson

  40. Shock. Disbelief. Just a couple of words to describe how I felt when I realized this talented pro was willing to consult at such an affordable price. Thank you!

    Synergy. Connection. Words to describe what our one on one meeting was like in LA. Everything Erik explained and brainstormed just made total sense to me… from character and plot development to steps to take for a rewrite. Things fit. Eric also has a nice disposition – not a Hollywood snob.

    Detailed. Efficient. These words describe the analysis he sent before our meeeting and the notes he sent via e-mail after our meeting.

    He will help bring life to your script!

  41. As my sister and I began our current writing project we prayed for the right people to cross our path on this journey to help us successfully tell our story. I met Erik at the LA Writer’s Conference. Hearing his background and impressive accomplishments along with the fact that he is very warm and approachable, I felt assured that he was one of those people. His fees and the steps to initiate the process were reasonable and clear. He promised one thing. “I try to give more value than I receive.” He absolutely fulfilled that.

    I believe Erik really cares about people and he really loves what he does. It is evident in his sincerity. He is very professional, prompt to always respond and gave abundant sound advice, detailed notes and explanations mapping our direction. We gained tremendous insight, instruction, and inspiration.

  42. Erik IS the man. I’m an author and wanna be screen writer. After penning four books I thought screen writing would be a snap. Then I tried it and discovered how challenging it really is. Without Erik’s help I would still be lost in the wilderness. His advice has been invaluable and his prices are very reasonable. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone.

  43. To be really useful, script analysis should be like good medicine––specific to the problem, evidence-based, therapeutic and prompt. Erik Bork provides all of that and as a bonus gives the distinct impression he actually cares about your success.

  44. Erik- Thanks for the detailed notes and recent feedback on my script. Your assistance and attention to detail is not only appreciated, but also cherished. The amount of input you gave has really made an impact on my re-writing focus and your pointers on new approaches has really changed my focus for the better.

  45. Big Help:
    I had been working on my Romantic Comedy for 2 years and it was Erik’s analysis that solved my problems. Now, the script is done and l am ready to send it out to producers.

    Thanks Erik

  46. After attending one of your seminars at the Screenwriters Expo it was apparent, after sharing stories of successes and failures, that you had insightful knowledge of the inner workings of the entertainment industry. You offered a very, in-depth, comprehensive analysis of my sitcom pilot that has given me many ideas on it’s development that I wouldn’t have considered before. Even with all of the success you’ve had, I can tell that you still enjoy working with new writers and helpling them along in the process.

    Thanks Erik

  47. Hi Erik:

    I very much enjoyed your workshop at the LA Writer’s Conference. Thank you for sharing your years of experiences and beneficial expertise. I have been focusing on a much deeper look at each scene. I have posted a banner above my computer that reads: Compelling, Entertaining, Believable and Unique….often easier to read than to write but I like the end results!

    I hope to get some coaching from you soon, thanks again.


    Author: “40 Something & Single”

  48. Erik, your presentations were the buzz of the conference. I’ve been attending SCWC since 2004 and now help out with staffing logistics, leaving me little time for attending sessions. However, I knew you would be there and hoped I could sit long enough to take in a workshop. I finally was able to sneak into your Sat a.m. session and was blown away by your humility, approachability, clarity and common sense. Trust me; this is not always the case in a screenwriting presenter. For some reason, in fact, those who have written the least seem to be the most authoritarian and least flexible in their approach. Your embrace, not only of differences between individual ambitions but also of wildly variant subject material, signals to me your seriousness and effectiveness as a teacher and writer. (You handled everything from religious memoir to romantic comedy, including fiction, non-fiction and script formats, and helped everyone see the necessity of emotional hooks in all.) Thank you so much for your outstanding contribution to the event, as well as giving me (as an attendee) much-valued encouragement and wisdom to help sustain me along the writing path.

  49. Hi Erik,

    Thank you for the article. It is a nice summation of your presentation. I have taken the words “Compelling, entertaining, believable and unique” to heart and literally am looking at every paragraph I write to see if it fulfills this guideline.

    That is the unique thing about the concept. It is NOT a formula, rather a guideline. It is flexible and can be adapted to any writer or genre.

    I really enjoyed your sessions at the conference and look forward to working with you in the near future.

    Kindest Regards,

  50. I have read the books, paid for coverages and consultations, listened to the experts at seminars, and otherwise sought to understand this crazy business, but I can honestly say that Erik Bork’s insight and advice is outstanding, Give him a chance to help you. You won’t regret it.

    Buck McLean


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Erik Bork

I’m a screenwriter best known for my work on the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers and From the Earth to the Moon, for which I wrote multiple episodes, and won two Emmy and two Golden Globe Awards as part of the producing team.

My book THE IDEA: The Seven Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage, or Fiction was released in 2018.

Click here to e-mail me.

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